Sunday, March 29, 2009

again i am confuse

yesterday just back from utar campus, it was a very nice place, a very peaceful village i think is a good environment for study, but the important thing is having transport problem. there is a distance go to campus from the hostel and if don't have car really inconvenient. First time visit there, reach the time we are lost because the drive do not stop at the bus station and we cnnt find the bus station to take bus go into the campus. we force to take taxi to the hostel find my friend luckily my friend study there and bring us to campus. if not i think we have to spent some more time. again it show there is a transport problem. living place also is a problem, the rental for a month quite high for me, either RM255/RM275 per person for the hostel. if reant another place the security may not so good as my friend told me. and again it make me fluctuate...
have to consider start over again.
but there is one thing interested me, that is curry chicken bread, the famous food over there. very nice..

Friday, March 27, 2009


juz went to dinner with my fren. i am go as usual came out from my house, take lif go down but there are something that suprising me!!! when the lif open i listen some voice coming from outside, it is a normal thing juz a couple playing there, but for me i was shock. i very nervous at that time. is him, why he will be here? his gal fren stay here? but why let me saw everything? isit notice me something? i fate, let me know i actually lay down, let me know i was fine.....thanks!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

My ways

juz finish my 1st test today. quite sad to get a bad result, bt luckily it wont influent so much in my final result. hope next test will get better mark. nw was suffering wat title should i do for my assignment. sien~~~

Another thing is about my career. after few more week is the end of my diploma cause, it seem like passed vry fast. i need to decide wat way i should go. at the beginning was suffering either go advance aac or just stop study.
after listen to a few fren advised was consider to go degree, but the fees is higher then advance, i dun knw whether my family effort to support o will go utar look the environment first loh...

Monday, March 9, 2009

载着愿望的孔明灯 vs 夜里的东禅寺….

小时候看见戏里的演员都会把自己的愿望写在孔明灯然后把它放开让它飞上天空去,相信这样愿望就能实现.虽然这没有医学根据, 也不知是否会实现, 但我都会很期待那一天我也能向他们一样把自己的愿望都写下, 至少写了会带给我一线希望, 这一天终于来了, 不过既然要等到我二十岁,

当我朋友告诉我的时候,我真的很兴奋, 我终于有机会尝试把自己的愿望放在高空中的感觉. 当时大家已把自己在新的一年里的愿望写在孔明灯上了后,大家就一起拿起它,直到火烧的热气膨胀到能让它飘在半空,我们才放手.当孔明灯越飞越高, 一种心安的感觉浮现在我心里, 似乎所有的愿望将能如愿以偿. 看着它在高空飘着, 我很疑惑到底他会飘去何处? 视线一直随着它飘动的方向飘啊..飘的….!万一它落在别人的屋院, 哪我们的愿望就不能实现了咯, 而且别人看了可能还会取笑我们写下的愿望呢….不过如果愿望真的能实现的话, 让他们笑笑又何妨!!!

通过朋友的介绍, 东禅寺以前是一座小寺, 随着时间的过去慢慢扩建, 如今已经是马来西亚最大的一座寺庙. 它位于klang (jejaru), 在要求之下我很幸运的能参观到如此壮观的地方.

在夜里它更是让人惊叹不已, 如此美丽的寺庙夜景我还是第一次看见, 七彩兵分的小花登连接起来围绕着已被修剪成形的小树, 当中孔雀是全场的焦点之一, 其中还包括了龙头和各式各样的花..

此外, 花园里的棚也挂上乐五颜六色的小登, 用登制成的小树, 还有用玻璃制成的小寺真的让人叹为观止, 感觉就如身在四外桃源.

当然主角是一定不可以缺少的, 那就是神像. 寺庙里展示了不同的神像,(多得我也记不起来) 并且立了一个小石碑在每一座神像傍边省列的介绍每一个神明的由来, 让我这个井底之蛙受益不潜. 花灯游行看多了吧? 来看看真人饰演神像游行吧! 我觉得他们真的很辛苦,因为不能随心所欲的摆动, 要随时都保持同样的动作和表情,而且时不时要停下来让游客拍照. 寺里也提供一个小书斋, 里头全都是关于佛的教学,让人们更明白了解佛教.另外我还到许愿池许了今年的愿望,希望神真的能听得见我的愿望,可以早日实现我愿望

在今年的牛年里, 牛也被视为主角之一,从远处就能看得见卡通版的牛大哥, 真的超可爱真是热闹极了. 不但有看的, 里头还空出一些位子拍卖素食, 简直就是夜市场嘛! 只不过这个夜市场带给我很独特的回忆, 一个很美丽的夜晚, 让所有不开心的事通通烟飞云散